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NMC presents

ZeroG SkyDancers III

Second Spring
performance schedule

page 2

The seating area at the bottom of this image gives a sense of the scale. DanCoyote is conducting from the circular transparent platform just above the middle of the photo.

Many other stage design elements in this spectacle appear and change as the story evolves. The sets were envisioned by DanCoyote, who brought in  SL artists Jopsy Pendragon and Nand Nerd to contribute to their realization. Jopsy was responsible for the pod particles and Nand constructed the pods. This teamwork approach to the production is a major factor in its success.With this production,  DanCoyote has taken the role of SL impresario a step further.

The costumes, called "cascades" by Production Designer Queue Marlowe, are remarkable extensions of light and movement. They absolutely must be seen to be comprehended. 

Second Spring is a completely LIVE story performance. SkyDancers perform in-flight choreography without the benefit of animations or gestures of any kind following cues given in REAL TIME on a private IM channel. DanCoyote "calls" the show to keep time with the score.

The music is available here.
A Gary Hazlitt video trailer is here.

On the next page are more scenes from the performance. These give you an idea of the magnitude of this show, but you must see it and experience it live.


SkyDancer Schedule Feb 2008
IM DanCoyote Antonelli for reservations

February 3rd, Sunday, 1PM SLT

February 12th, Tuesday, 9PM SLT

February 17th, Sunday, 1PM SLT

February 26th, Tuesday, 9PM



©2009 Richard Minsky